The installation of a CCTV system is only effective if it is backed up by a clearly defined and actionable procedure. Who will monitor the system to ensure that it is functioning at all times and that cameras have not been moved and tampered with? Is there a back-up source of power for the camera? Is camera monitoring real time or is the camera merely in place to record events which can be viewed after an incident has occurred?
EXIGENT SECURITY GROUP believes that a holistic approach must be applied to the integration of technology – if it is to be effective. If you are serious about the protection of your assets, then it is critical that you understand how the situation will unfold once the technology has detected a possible intrusion. We analyze what you want the end result to be, then we map out a plan and methodology of implementation and action to get a desired result. This includes the provision of control room monitors, emergency monitoring and emergency response.
• CCTV Installations
• On Site Control Rooms
• Off site Control Rooms and Monitoring
• Perimeter Protection Technologies inclusive of beams, lasers, pressure activated fiber
optic cable technology and night vision monitoring
• Covert and Overt Camera systems
• Integrated Alarm systems
• Intercoms
• Biometric technologies
• Electronic Access systems
• Off Site Vehicle Monitoring